UX Research Specialist based in Surrey. Currently sorting post-its at Capgemini.


I am a UX Research Specialist with 5 years of digital experience under my belt. My background is designing for government.



I started as a copywriter at a high-street retailer then as a digital marketer for a private health and social care company. One day I stopped and wondered, how do I know if the content I am putting out there is what my audience really want?

One year on: I am researching the needs of those using one of our most essential UK public services at the HMRC.

Mental Health Work

  • Children's Mental Health

    The local CAMHS was researched and the experience mapped out end-to-end to discover areas for improvement.

  • Helpline for Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Needs

    Creation of a digital solution for a helpline for parents of children with ND needs.

Other work

  • Out & About

    A personal project developing a prototype for an app during the COVID-19 restrictions that helps people find safer, less crowded hospitality venues in their area.

Contact me.



London, UK